Holon’s Modern Mystery School
Tap Into A New Source Of Power To Transform Any Area Of Your Life
If you feel ready to step beyond traditional personal development, goal setting and even healing work... and tap into the abilities everyone has — but few ever fully awaken to...
Then Holon’s Modern Mystery School, led by Dr. Amy Albright, is your exclusive invitation.
This Is For You If…
You’ve achieved success in life but know there’s much more possible
Have sensed that you have supernatural abilities but never truly tapped into them
Already act in service in some way and want to massively open your capacities to help the Collective
Want to delve further into the intersection of science and energy for co-creation
You want more than just a specific goal, you want an extraordinary life FULL of magic, miracles, love, and connection
Are willing to devote some time each week to awakening new creative power

Hi, my name is Dr. Amy Albright...
And I’m here to tell you — you were meant for so much more...
If you’re like most, you’ve studied concepts like “manifestation” — which usually fail to produce consistent results or aren’t on a big enough scale to create the impact you’re here to create.
That’s why — right here, right now — I’m inviting you into a radically different approach.
Where you drop into the field of connection and work with creational energies, the force behind the movement of life and reality itself.
This makes all the difference in your ability to produce miracles and design the life you’ve always dreamed of.
I Didn’t Seek This Out, Source Gave Me No Choice But To Awaken...
As a child I sensed energies and heard subtle communications from nature and couldn’t talk about it for fear my parents or family would think I was crazy.
But after some severe health issues and traumas sent me on a multi-decade healing journey, I was forced to awaken and embrace some of my own psychic and energetic gifts... just to survive.
I later utilized these gifts to help my patients and clients, creating massive miracles in all areas of their life. At first I didn’t fully understand the power that was coming through me, and I had a hard time explaining how to harness it so that I could teach it to others. But I did learn to relay it over time, training students on how to deeply trust their intuition and work with these powers of creation.
In the process, I realized that EVERYONE has access to abilities and power they couldn’t previously see. And for those who already feel intuitive, they actually have access to so much MORE that they can tap into.
And I spent over a decade working with one of the top neuroscientists in the world, Dr. Drew Pierson, cracking the code on how to measure and unlock one’s latent abilities for “magic” and reality creation. Which anchored what looked too incredible to believe not only into results, but into the world of data and science.
Our Clients Experienced Consistently Profound Life Changes Not Possible Any Other Way
“I always had this feeling that I had special abilities, but I had no clue what they were or how to access them. After working with Dr. Amy, I began to get a clearer sense of my gifts.
What I loved most was how effortless the changes took place. Letting go of toxic old relationships, attracting new work and money, becoming healthier and happier than I’d ever been... it was all so easy and natural.
And the deeper I got into the process of using my energetic and “magic” gifts in the way Dr. Amy teaches, the more clear, powerful and aligned I became with my deepest purpose and reason for being here. Now I experience miracles on a weekly, and sometimes DAILY basis!”
– Anthony F.
These experiences are far from unique. In fact, it’s quite typical of someone who undergoes this process.
In the past, however, you would have needed to spend tens of thousands of dollars attending retreat intensives and working with me one-on-one to experience transformations like Anthony had.
But now it’s possible, and at a much lower investment level, from the comfort of your own home.
Holon’s Modern Mystery School is a weekly home-study training program where magic intersects with science, unlocking your ability to create a new reality at will.
This is not just another Mystery School training course.
Nor is it gathering around and doing meditation, breathwork and sound bowls... It’s also not the study of something so ancient that it feels difficult to practically apply to our daily lives.
It’s about using an intuitive, yet science-backed approach to quantum-leap all conventional approaches to change...
And to explore multi-dimensional realms — including the source of all CREATION — that few have been fortunate to glimpse or experience.
Ultimately, the Holon Modern Mystery School represents a highly exclusive opportunity to massively up-level your life, your business, your relationships- while tapping into hidden abilities and powers you’ve always felt you had.
Each week, you’ll be guided by Dr. Amy Albright, a true master of magic and coherence, through new doorways of wisdom, magic and creation.
A Mystery School
(And Coaching Program) Unlike Any Other
There are three things that set the Holon Modern Mystery School apart from any other coaching program or experience available anywhere:
1. The ONLY program led by Dr. Amy Albright
Dr Amy’s unparalleled depth of understanding and connection to the unseen world has allowed her to pave a path full of miracles, showcasing the transformative power of her wisdom and insight. Her mastery of creational magic, rooted in energetic sciences, empowers her students to wield the full spectrum of their inner and outer energy to create miracles that transcend the 3D world. These teachings are highly practical and are brought into a rooted application of students' lives, helping them to solve issues, to get them what they want, and help them massively deepen their ability to do what they came here to do.
2. Receive Highly Exclusive Teachings
This program is literally a decade in the making, taking the best of what Dr. Amy and her colleagues and clients have discovered while doing deep energetic work and investing millions of dollars into their training processes. Delve into teachings and practices unavailable elsewhere that take a fundamentally different approach to the mystery of life that aligns with creation energy and unlocks your unique magic. Learn the transformative power of coherence as Dr. Amy infuses each session with ongoing healing transmissions, wisdom, intuition, and teachings on the magical arts while guiding you through profound shifts and miraculous transformations.
3. A Highly-Curated Transformational Community
Join a select group of extraordinary beings ready to uplevel their reality, forming a vibrant community of leaders, pioneers and visionaries. This community is made up of leaders, entrepreneurs, healers that are newer to the Holon community, as well as some of the top clients who have passed through the many elite trainings that Dr. Amy and Dr. Drew have led over the years. Entrance is “invite only” and available exclusively to those who have been thoroughly vetted and known to be high frequency, high achievers.
Are you ready to integrate the magic of spiritual sciences into the foundation of how you live and lead your business?
Here’s Everything You’ll Receive When You Enroll:
This special “group container” will provide structure, consistency and accountability... while also offering the freedom to tap into intuition and spontaneous magic. It will merge spiritual and energetic sciences with practicality and scientific rigor in a way that’s never been done before.
This is not a one-size-fits all and you’ll be invited to identify and grow your unique magic, deepen intuition and align to and work with creation energy. Even though there is a group structure, there will be an abundance of space to explore your personal gifts.
In addition to the exclusive content and learning that occurs on and off the calls, you’ll also receive energetic support through Dr. Amy's high-frequency, energetic transmissions, facilitating profound group shifts and alignment. This is something that she typically only offers to her 1:1 high ticket clients.
While this is a group coaching program, students will typically receive 1-on-1 support during group calls, which can be even more powerful because of the group field and energy that intensifies transformation.
We all know that healing and insight is not enough, you must INTEGRATE your experience through reflection, action, and conscious repatterning. To facilitate this, we send you a dedicated journal and guide you through a process that will greatly enhance your ability to solidify your transformation.
What Are You Waiting For?
If you’re ready to experience profound shifts in perspective, vivid dream revelations, the sudden arrival of unforeseen opportunities...
AND you want the innate ability to effortlessly move through significant life transformations...
We invite you to apply to join our upcoming Holon Mystery School.
Mystery School Starts: Tues, October 1st
What You'll Get:
Attend bi-weekly classes on Zoom: Tuesdays at 9am PT
Integrate teachings on alternating weeks with 1-hour partner integration calls (switching pairings monthly)
Document your journey and integrate through your exclusive Holon Journaling System (journal included)
Stay connected with Dr. Amy and your fellow journeyers in our exclusive Modern Mystery School Signal App Group
Receive continuous energetic group infusions, transmissions, and attunements in off hours
Option to elevate your experience with one or more 60-minute 1:1 Activations with Dr. Amy (additional fee)
Investment: $5,000
Historically only available to a select few private clients, this exclusive offering provides a rare opportunity to learn directly from Dr. Amy Albright in a highly curated small group setting.
Step Into More Of Your Magic
Ultimately, the Holon Modern Mystery School brings together many of the best secrets to the success Dr. Amy has uncovered while working with a very select group of individual clients.
It’s a proven method for unlocking the true depths of your power and capacities…all the while feeling a sense of interconnectedness - experiencing the Oneness, not just thinking of it as a concept.
There will be structure... freedom... and room to personalize sessions on any topic that you want to bring…from how to triple your income (with energetics meets business strategy), to feel a deep consistent sense of safety and joy, to how to have ridiculously hot sex — any and all topics and questions are welcome in this course
Dr. Amy will share her massive energetic power through her lectures, insights, healings, and clearings in this first installment of Holon’s intermediate Mystery School offering.
Historically only available to a small number of private clients at a premium, you won’t want to miss this opportunity to learn directly from Dr. Amy in this highly-curated, small-group setting.
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