The Science & Spirit of Your Evolution.
Advanced neuro-energetic training for global impact.
Who We Are.
Holon is advancing humanity through a revolutionary blend of the world’s most advanced neurotechnology, leadership training and energetic sciences. Working exclusively with global leaders and revolutionary thinkers, Holon optimizes their neural and energetic architecture, taking them to new levels of embodied wisdom, peak performance, supernatural capacities and world-changing impact.
What is Neurofeedback?
In short, neurofeedback is like a personal trainer for your brain, providing your brain with feedback about its performance so it strengthens into its most optimized functions and unlocks hidden capacities.
As your elite brain coach, neurofeedback training is akin to having an exclusive personal trainer for your mind. This revolutionary approach provides critical insights to your brain about its own performance, catalyzing a transformation towards holistic peak functionality and an awakening of latent abilities, intuition and wisdom.
Sensors measure your brain’s electrical activity, illuminating a comprehensive map of the performance and functions across brain regions, cellular voltage, brain waves and signal connectivity between brain structures. The sensors then send this data to a computer that processes the data using proprietary algorithms which then provides feedback on how to optimize neural function through individualized auditory and visual reward cues.
What It Entails
We begin with performing an EEG, which is an extremely comprehensive study of the electrical activity of the brain. These measurements indicate how the impulses in the brain are firing across a host of distinct neurological functions that create the experiences of everything from mood, to attention, to ego and more. We also look at how and where specific EEG waves are showing up in the brain, which tells us how efficient you are at leveraging the full spectrum of your neurological and cognitive capacities. It also tells us where you might be under or over-leveraging your energy which helps us create a custom program for your brain’s most optimal efficiency. If you are overleveraging it is wasting outputs, the result of which is equivalent to driving 100 mph on the freeway with your foot on the brake. Conducting this EEG gives us a baseline for how you're living your day-to-day life, as well as how specifically you might improve your experience of reality, performance, sleep, mood, and more.
Inside a neurofeedback session, data on brain performance is fed back in real time to the client via auditory and visual reward cues. The brain perceives this information at a rate faster than the mind can process, and then reroutes how it’s processing electrically to maximize its performance. The brain rapidly learns the new state of being and during the course of the intensive it adopts that new state as its new normal.
We often get immediate improvements in electrical function of the brain of up to 40% compared to their initial EEG baseline. Over time, it develops new neural connections as well as entirely new neurons to make the optimized state even stronger, resulting in lasting change.
Our Holon Signature 5-day Intensive
Our signature Holon Intensive, is a 5-day, olympic-level training immersion into the intersection of advanced neurofeedback and spiritual energetic sciences. The process removes recurring blocks and unhealthy patterns while expanding your latent capacities. We first perform a detailed electrical study of the brain, called an EEG, which gives us a full picture of your neuro capacities and functions, providing insight into your conscious and subconscious programming. We use this EEG and the comprehensive analysis of the data in combination with the intuitive and energetic analysis to create a custom neurofeedback and energetic training protocol specific to your unique set of challenges, gifts and objectives. Our intuitive and energetic sciences guide you through deep transformative states of consciousness facilitating profound clarity, insight and healing. As you are guided through the program and delve further into these states you’ll be guided to activate and strengthen your latent supernatural abilities and discover your most aligned path to fulfilling your potential.
The Benefits of Our Program
Your Whole Life Becomes More Exquisite
Raise your daily baseline experience of joy, peace, inspiration, and vision
Increase your IQ, EQ, creative flow states and intuition
Perform at a higher level across all domains
Rapidly release traumas, wounds, emotional patterns and limiting beliefs holding you back from your highest potential without being retraumatized
Remain present and in the moment
Create More Impact in Your Life’s Great Work
Enhance higher cognitive abilities like pattern recognition, decision-making, intuition, innovation, creativity, and the intelligence of compassion
Transform your leadership capacities and increase resonance with your team
Increase resilience so you can take on more while using less energy
Maximize your threshold for stress and overwhelm so you consistently perform your best, even in challenging situations
Accelerate your learning and increase brain processing speed, including reading speed while increasing recall and comprehension
Evolve Consciousness & Increase Latent Supernatural Capacities
Unlock dimensions of self that often require decades of high-intensity training with an experienced master, dozens of medicine journeys or decades of therapy
Expand your intuitive guidance system and capacities to manifest
Activate and enhance your latent supernatural capacities
Deepen into meditative abilities
Deeply connect to Self, relationships and the unseen world
A Typical Case Study
A high-performing executive comes to us because he wants to continue making peak performance strides to help him fast-track the great impact he is called to create. He has a big vision with a host of responsibilities and is constantly in overdrive. Because of this he can be disconnected from others, has a hard time connecting to his intuition for clarity of decisions, and notices he’s had a harder time staying focused, strategic and creative recently. He also has a hard time falling and staying asleep, and doesn’t spend enough time in bed because he wants to work late after the kids and wife go to bed. When we perform an EEG (electrical brain map) it illuminates scores of opportunities for us to strengthen his neurological capacities. Below are the diagnostic standouts and how we would treat them.
Overactive left prefrontal cortex, the root of the overthinking and obsessive thoughts.
Overstimulation occurring in their salient network (making everything seem important) which is why he is having a hard time being strategic and can’t shift out of overdrive.
Low functioning mirror neuron network which we know can lead to disconnection and social disengagement.
Reduced overall mitochondrial function throughout the brain; the result of sleep issues.
Alpha waves are suppressed due to early childhood trauma that he hadn’t thought of and forgot to report in the initial interview.
Give information to the left prefrontal cortex that shows that it is overactive so it can slow down (and he can get rest and throttle back).
Calming the salient network so that it can sort out what is important and improve the capacity for strategic thinking.
Increase the electrical activity in the mirror neurons to improve his desire to connect and his capacity to connect with his wife, kids, coworkers, and friends.
Upregulate mitochondrial function and improve sleep architecture.
Train on alpha waves to improve the wave function and release trauma.
Our strategic approach is to utilize the most precise and efficient neurofeedback training in the world, with software that measures how the brain is performing in real time and provides feedback to the brain via auditory and visual cues to show it how to be more optimized.
During treatment, when the executive’s brain tries to revert back into patterns of overfiring in the left prefrontal and salient network (1 and 2 above), the training restricts delivery of the auditory and visual reward cues training the brain away from the well worn grooves of old patterns of overactivity. If his brain is being lax in activity of mirror neurons, overall mitochondrial function, or in producing alpha waves (number 3, 4, and 5) then the auditory and/or visual cues are restricted.
In the beginning, our high-performing executive is worried that he won’t be able to learn and wants to try to “figure out” how to perform effectively. Because neurofeedback works at speeds faster than the conscious mind can process, it's not long before he realizes he doesn’t need to understand the cues on a cognitive level. Once he learns to relax into the training, his performance improves.
Post-Intensive Outcomes
No longer over-thinks nor is consumed by obsessive thoughts
Feels more calm, clear and regulated
Able to connect to his intuition for quick and centered decision making
Has greater access to profound creative flow states and strategic problem solving
Ability to pause before speaking and taking action or reacting in a triggered way; responds with intention
Provides clearer direction for his team and has redesigned some problem areas in the business
Connections with new people happen often and with more ease
Increased ability to track others in conversations, leading to breakthrough conversations with his team
Spends time with his family on the weekends without feeling anxious
Has improved sleep and gets to bed earlier overall, resulting in more connection with his wife
About Holon Co-Founders Dr. Amy Albright & Dr. Drew Pierson
Dr. Drew Pierson
Dr. Drew Pierson is the brilliant mind behind some of the world's most cutting-edge applied neurofeedback training. A polymath to his core, he has specialized as a neurotherapist analyzing the brains of peak performing adults and neurodivergent children for over 25 years. He was a U.S. Navy nuclear submariner, coach to national champion bodybuilders, a professional chocolatier, and founding advisor and former Head of Neuroscience at 40 Years of Zen. Dr. Drew is a seasoned Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine who is the planet’s foremost neurofeedback expert in applied consciousness.
An early consciousness pioneer, Dr. Drew has exhaustively studied every modern tool, technology and method for achieving altered states of consciousness and peak performance. He believes that modern technology provides us with a powerful opportunity to radically accelerate conscious evolution by supporting our biology with scientific precision.
He has personally facilitated over 100,000 neurofeedback training sessions with many of the world’s top performers in music, business, athletics, and military special forces. This extensive experience has made him a Jedi master of neurofeedback with a rare ability to read between the lines of an EEG and find the hidden potentials within each individual waiting to be unleashed.
Dr. Amy Albright
Dr. Amy Albright stands rooted at the intersection of logic-based, science-driven methodology and holistic, transrational, intuitive knowing. She’s worked for two decades to transform lives and rapidly scale or reinvent businesses.
Dr. Amy has played at the highest levels of executive coaching in companies ranging in valuation from $10M to $3B, most achieving a 300%+ top-line growth in 2-3 years.
Underneath the business savvy, however, is a deep understanding of psychological and energetic dynamics. Her training in cognitive psychology and her practice as a doctor of Chinese medicine complement spiritual gifts she’s had since childhood. After seeing her brain’s astonishing field of coherence and other remarkably rare attributes, Dr. Drew immediately placed her in the top 0.01% of the most intuitive, empathic and perceptive individuals in the world.
Her brain signature also gives Dr. Amy the unique capacity to create transformational shifts in others. She has an undeniable track record of seeing solutions where others can’t, removing long-standing blocks and catalyzing massive life changes with ease. Her unique ability to see, know and translate information beyond the physical realms enable her to offer unprecedented clarity and strategic guidance to visionaries, leaders and change makers of the world.